Give Yourself Permission To Grow And Improve

Knowing and believing you can live life as the masterpiece God created you to be is important. Wherever you are right now is not where you have to stay. You can grow and improve; in fact you must continue to grow and improve to live fully to your full potential. God has given you natural […]

Mind The Gap

After my first trip to London, many years ago, I returned home to hear the recorded announcement “mind the gap” playing over and over in my head. If you’ve been and ridden the “Tube” (their version of a subway) you know what I’m saying. When the doors to the train open the recording is played […]

A Far Better Life – The Life You Were Meant To Live

When you hear about the “good life” it gives you a feeling that you may be missing out on something. You may feel you have a “good life”: a good home, a good family, a good job and good health. Compared to some in this world you realize you really have it good. But what […]