You Are Worth The Cross Of Christ: Perspective

I was going through a gallery with an artist friend of mine, which he shows in, and the gallery owner pulled him into a room to show him some paintings that had come in for an upcoming auction. I quickly followed the gallery owner and my friend into the room. I was glad I did. […]

Mind The Gap

After my first trip to London, many years ago, I returned home to hear the recorded announcement “mind the gap” playing over and over in my head. If you’ve been and ridden the “Tube” (their version of a subway) you know what I’m saying. When the doors to the train open the recording is played […]

A Far Better Life – The Life You Were Meant To Live

When you hear about the “good life” it gives you a feeling that you may be missing out on something. You may feel you have a “good life”: a good home, a good family, a good job and good health. Compared to some in this world you realize you really have it good. But what […]