Read Your Way To A Better Masterpiece Life

If you do social media at all you have seen someone ask you “what are the last 3 books you’ve read” or something to that affect. On Facebook it’s actually a part of your profile. When I go into someone’s office I’m always interested in the books that are on their desk that they are […]

7 Qualities Of Olympic Champions That Apply To All Of Life

I love the Winter Olympics, especially all of the skiing and snowboarding competitions. Watching all these champions this week got me thinking about potential characteristics that they may all have in common and how we can apply them to live our lives every day as a champion – a masterpiece.  I did some research and […]

Values-Based Living Leads To Significance

Living a values-based life is the key to going from success to significance.  Significance is a word that defines masterpiece living, and a word that most of us would say we want to define us. To live at this highest level of living you must be completely clear and absolutely committed to your values.  You […]