Know When to Say No

Life Hacks - Part 1

What we choose as our priorities and how we spend our time each day speaks volumes about who we are. We are often proud of our work, our families, and our communities, who all get a share of our time. And one thing we can say about most people living now is that we are […]

Finding Your Sweet Spot

The Sound of Grace - Part 3

As we come to the end of the week, I hope you have thought about ways that you can serve God. If you’re like me, maybe you realize it all comes down to one lingering question: “Where do I start?” The good news about serving is that you don’t have to have a solid plan […]

Branding Your Success: It’s A Personal Thing

In order for success to be true success it must be a personal thing. While failure can be easily defined, (an inability to reach ones goals), success cannot be so simply defined. There can be as many definitions for success as there are human beings, for we are each created uniquely as an individual masterpiece […]