Healthy Relationships Start with HUMILITY?!?!

It takes two to tango! Much ado about nothing! Battle lines are drawn! Go around in Circles! Fighting likes Cats and Dogs! Blamestorming! I’m sure you can guess what these idioms are communicating!?!?! Relationships are HARD! HUMILITY is HARD!! Now I’m telling you that humility PROCEEDS healthy relationships!!?? But HOW and WHY! Humility is lived […]

Is dating just a demoralizing waiting game?

This weekend Steve Tanner talked about our last topic in the Back to Basics series, it’s been an interesting few weeks speaking on Love, Sex and Dating! Interestingly the Bible doesn’t say much about dating, but there is a lot of information in the Bible about right relationships and what better place to be sure to experience right relationships than in dating and marriage!?!

Steve shared a very interesting quote by June Hunt “Some singles approach dating as a demoralizing waiting game, others a desperate mating game, still others a deceitful baiting game” At the core their mindset is, I have to have someone to meet my needs, but God’s view of dating is very different.

Is Purity attainable or antiquated?

This weekend we tackled a subject that is often thought of as taboo! Even within the confines of a marriage it can be a difficult topic to talk about. BUT just as the body is designed and made to take in food and enjoy it, so God created our bodies to want and enjoy sex. […]