5 Qualities You Must Develop To Be Successful

Success in life, fulfillment and happiness is simple: relationships. How we relate to one another however is anything but simple. With so much riding on our ability to relate to one another, we must learn to be effective in this area of our lives. The best strategy for doing this is to consider what attracts […]

Your Past Won’t Make Sense Until You Invite God Into Your Present

The first time I stood on the rim of the Grand Canyon my two oldest children were very young, too young to understand the danger of the canyon walls. While I was overwhelmed with its beauty, I couldn’t stand having my children that close to the canyons edge. I made them constantly hold my hand […]

Know Your Strengths And Weaknesses

This blog and my book Life Palette is all about helping people, you, to discover and live as the masterpiece God created you to be. With all of my heart I believe that God created you as His masterpiece: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can […]