Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Direction

The power of your mind is awesome. Your mind is to your life what a control tower is to a pilot as he or she flies a plane, guiding and directing your character, your conduct and your conversations. In the Bible the Proverbs writer said “For as he think in his heart, so is he.” […]

Read Your Way To A Better Masterpiece Life

If you do social media at all you have seen someone ask you “what are the last 3 books you’ve read” or something to that affect. On Facebook it’s actually a part of your profile. When I go into someone’s office I’m always interested in the books that are on their desk that they are […]

Yield Daily, 5 Daily Habits For Success (Part 5)

Today is the fifth and final day in the Life Palette blog series called 5 D.A.I.L.Y. Habits For Success. We have talked about D-Dream daily, A-Advance daily, I-Initiate daily, L-Learn daily, and finally Y-Yield daily. While the first 4 will make a difference in the success of your life, without applying this one they will never allow you to fully reach your potential as one […]