Why do churches do weird things….

Sometimes as an outsider, before I became a follower of Jesus, I thought churches did weird things! Why do they all drink this little cup of juice and eat a tiny bite of cracker together? What’s with the singing all together, are they a school choir or something? Why do they dunk each other under […]

I Identify as…..

It’s a hot topic these days, defining yourself and your identity. There are many many things we can identify as and maybe, current culture, doesn’t really applaud me saying “I identify as a Christ follower” BUT believe you me, I DO! I haven’t ALWAYS though. I actually was a teenager when I publicly aligned myself […]

Cross of Christ=New Identity

It was amazing getting to experience Easter with SO many of you this year! It hardly seems possible that just 1 year ago there was only 4 of us in the worship space trying to put together an online experience! So grateful that this year we have gotten to learn and grow as a community […]