Your Decisions Determine Your Destination

On a recent family trip through Idaho our family stopped at “Three Island Crossing” at Glenns Ferry to see the trail ruts of the Oregon Trail that are still clearly visible.  “Three Island Crossing” was one of the most dangerous and difficult crossings of the Snake River in Idaho. Knowing we were going to be […]

You Are Being Pursued

You are not an accident. You are a well thought out, pre-planned masterpiece that God, as the artist, has pursued every moment of your life. I realize you may not be in a place where you see it. You may feel abandoned or that everything about living as a masterpiece falls on you. You may […]

Apprenticeship, Mentorship, Life-coaching or Discipleship?

Mentorship is relationship based with a foundation of good communication. Benjamin Franklin said this: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Mentorship points more toward Apprenticeship, which used to be the culture norm. It was simply a system of training the next generation in their skills, […]