How are you KNOWN?

Steve posed a great question this past weekend…..How are you known? What defines you as a person? If someone were to try to describe you (beyond your general looks) what would they say? Maybe someone would mention the kind of work you do, or the kind of house you live in, or perhaps the people […]

Living in YOUR Gifting!

So often, we as Christians, have a certain expectation of ourselves to look, act, and do certain “tasks”. Or we have set perspectives of what type of person is able to do what type of “job” when it comes to sharing Christ or serving in his church or the community. Our conversation this weekend broke […]

Habits we do in Community?

This past weekend we talked about corporate habits. Habits that we do as a community don’t really top the list of “most thought about” concerns! Changing our diet, picking up the habit of exercising or shutting our phone/computers down at 9:00 pm…these are things WE CAN CONTROL!! But, choosing to participate in a group habit….that […]