3 Questions To Help Get Your Priorities In Shape For 2014

The most precious commodity that you have as 2014 begins is your time – as you look ahead toward the New Year you have 12 months or 52 weeks or 365 days or 8,760 hours. The question is: what are you going to do with them? And the only way to answer is to live […]

Excuses And How To Successfully Deal With Them

We live in a world where making up excuses, not go out and do something with our selves, is very common. It starts out in our childhood. I’ve seen my daughter walk up to her mother and tell Kathy, “hey one of my friends have invited me over, but I don’t want to go. Can […]

Yield Daily, 5 Daily Habits For Success (Part 5)

Today is the fifth and final day in the Life Palette blog series called 5 D.A.I.L.Y. Habits For Success. We have talked about D-Dream daily, A-Advance daily, I-Initiate daily, L-Learn daily, and finally Y-Yield daily. While the first 4 will make a difference in the success of your life, without applying this one they will […]