To believe in Jesus means to accept His life, death, and resurrection as fact. It means taking His words and actions seriously. It means recognizing that His triumph over death has the power to transform your life…starting today.
Last Easter weekend, we celebrated Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Now that it’s been almost a week since Easter Sunday, it’s important to pause and ask, are you still celebrating?
When we believe that the resurrection was the single greatest moment in history, we know that we are forgiven and loved by God. This itself is worth celebrating on Easter, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, Labor Day…or any day!
When we think about all that Jesus has done for us, the resurrection should have precedence over all that is happening in our lives. But when we’re facing a crisis, it’s easy to fall out of this remembrance and into the trap of escapism, distrust and/or disobedience.
When things get tough, our human instinct is to turn to ourselves rather than to Jesus. When we can’t fix it ourselves, we want to ignore it or simply take our own path to making ourselves feel better.
But we must remember that because of His resurrection, our priorities can be different. Paul expressed this in Philippians 3:6-11, where he says everything he thought was important (obeying the Jewish law) is “worthless compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Also, our crises pale in comparison to the power that rose Jesus from the grave, which lives in us! (Romans 8:11)
We can be thankful that Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection proves how much we can trust Him with our lives – this can take priority in our lives, no matter what we may be going through. To learn more about God’s priorities, check out page A98 in the Life Transformational Bible.
I hope you’ll be able to join us this weekend at Alive Church as we delve deeper into our Case For Christ series, where I’ll be talking about more extraordinary facts about Jesus.
In Christ,