Football….an American pastime….John 3:16 on a banner….fans excited to see their team win…people laughing and having fun….parties….food…halftime show…SUPERBOWL! It rolls around yearly, teams that play change, but the almost carnival feeling surrounding this event does not.
I admit, I enjoy a good football game. Granted my team wasn’t in the Superbowl this weekend but the traditions around it all bring me JOY. I think of these men who have worked their entire lives to hone their athletic skills; to run the fastest, hit the hardest, throw the furthest, or kick the most accurately, these men have incredible ability, honestly, they have “made it” in the eyes of most people. They have reached the TOP of their field and now are on the largest stage, in front of millions, getting paid millions! And congrats to Tom Brady – awesome performance this weekend! Like him or not he is amazing at what he does as a QB and proof that old guys rule!
This weekend, as tradition has it, we hosted Football Sunday! Some game day snacks as you came into the church, a photo station, high energy music and a great presentation from some famous football legends. (I especially love Tony Dungee!) It was so compelling to hear their stories.
Sam Acho from the Chicago Bears was involved in prison ministry when he first felt the pang of “emptiness” inside himself. He had just signed a multimillion-dollar contract, but he knew things weren’t right in his life. His marriage was struggling, his kids were more an annoyance than treasure, he just couldn’t put his finger on it…lives of prisoners were restored and on fire for God but his life, all he ever had needed or wanted, felt empty. After finally opening up to a buddy and a teammate he re-committed his life to Jesus, understanding that God loved him and saw him, all the way to his core, not just the “perfect” outside that others saw!
It’s encouraging to me to witness people being vulnerable with their identity and with their relationship to Christ. It’s easy to think other people have it all figured out or certainly don’t have it as tough as yourself. BUT this weekend we heard stores that made us all think a little deeper about our own faith and sharing Christ with others!
The most important decision WE can make is to become Jesus’ followers. The most important decision ANYONE, people who seem to have it all put together OR those who are at the seeming bottom, can make is to become a Jesus follower! Turning your life over to Jesus doesn’t “fix all your problems” but it definitely gives you hope along the journey and purpose for every day! If you have ANY questions about what life with Jesus looks like or how to start that relationship, PLEASE reach out! I would love to help you along your journey!
Sadly we couldn’t archive the Football Sunday presentation but we do have a great recep recorded for you!