Healthy Habits!!

I WANT WHAT BLEEDS OUT OF ME TO BE WHAT GOD WOULD WANT!!! One of my favorite statements this past weekend! What do other people see “bleeding” out of me…is it forgiveness or condemnation…is it patience or contrariness…is it kindness or callousness? I want what pours out of me to represent GOD and not my […]

Roots that grow DEEP!

I have, for a long time, been fascinated by trees! How does a tree survive forest fire? When a flood rips through an area, how do trees stay rooted in the ground and not just get washed away? Tornadoes pass and level homes, entire towns sometimes to the ground and strip branches right off the […]

Surrender vs. Striving!

Surrender, in the mind of most people, has a negative connotation. You surrender to the opposition, you lay your weapons down in defeat, you give up something that you really don’t want to! Surrender isn’t something most people seek out or strive to achieve…it’s much more common to strive for victory, conquering our opponent or […]