What’s Being Said About The Encounter

The video saga between two of our campus pastors continues for one more week. If you missed it I have it embedded at the end of this blog. You don’t want to miss Pastor Jim trying to get on his horse!

As we have gone through this teaching series, The Good, The Bad, The Manly, there have been so many things I felt I needed to teach the ladies but have not had time in this short series, so after this coming weekend I will start a series called The Good, The Bad, The Beautiful. Ladies not only will you want to be at this series but you will want your man (anyman in your life) at this teaching series so they will better understand the incredible beauty and value that God has given you.

This was the 2nd weekend of our newest venue: The Encounter. If you are looking for a little different flavor when it comes to your worship experience (acoustic driven, a mix of the 80’s 90’s and today’s music with an extended time of worship) then you need to take a Sunday evening and check it out. Listen to what one Encounter attendee said about this new venue:

“What I see at The Encounter is amazing! The music worship time is fabulous, this weekend I could see people entering in to their own time with God and also times when it seemed as if there were hundreds of people singing together. This venue is one that I thought would be difficult with me and my ADD; to watch the teaching via the big screen instead of live but I was wrong. The teaching time is very engaging and we all feel a part, partnering with the entire vision with Alive, one church, one vision, multiple locations. Thanks for listening.”

Thanks for sharing and allowing me to pass this on. I would encourage all of you weekend warriors to take advantage of The Encounter as well. It is a great way for you to do your weekend activities and still get your week started right by going to church.