Want to Tell Someone About Jesus? Remember Romans!

Engage Your World - Part 2


This past weekend, I spoke at Alive Church about how to best tell our faith journey to those around us, and one of the strategies I offered is to remember the Romans Roadmap, a collection of verses in Romans that tells who Jesus is:

1. Romans 1:19-20 — As the starting point, this shows us that God is evident in the world He has created. Being curious about Him shows that we have an innate desire to know our creator, and knowing that we’re created by Him tells us that we’re made for a purpose.

2. Romans 3:23 — This verse reminds us that we are all sinners in need of grace. As followers of Jesus, this is a great opportunity to remind those who don’t know Him that we are sinners too, even as believers.

3. Romans 5:8 — Whatever we have done wrong in our lives and whatever sin we are living with, Jesus’ death covers it. We don’t have to fix anything before coming to Him — He fixes us just as we are!

4. Romans 6:23 — Letting our sins build and fester in our lives leads to spiritual death. We all meet death physically, and if we are spiritually dead, we are eternally separated from God. Fortunately, God’s grace through Jesus revives our souls — as a free gift!

5. Romans 10:9-11 — So what do we have to do to receive God’s grace? We simply have to let Jesus know that we believe in Him — that he came to Earth, died and rose again as the Son of God. This scripture can lead to the simple prayer of confessing that Jesus is Lord and that He is welcome in our hearts.

I highly encourage you to highlight these verses in your Bible (digital or paper) so you can directly reference them with someone who wants to know Jesus. I pray that you’ll have courage and wisdom to share these verses with someone you know!

In Christ,