Real Fish, Real Picture, Weekend Update

Wow! What an incredible weekend around here at Alive Church!!! Let me start by reporting that there were 4 people who made decisions to give their lives to follow Jesus for the very first time and 5 people who make commitments to rededicate their lives as followers of Jesus – yeah God!!!!!!!!!! One of our Children’s pastors said that there were 2 kids who decided to commit to following Jesus for the first time during Children’s Church during the Saturday evening service. He was just reading verses about how the angels and all of heaven rejoice when someone gives their life to Jesus and they stopped him from reading to tell him they were ready to make that decision at that very moment. Is that cool or what!?

It gets better: a few moments ago one of our youth pastors walked in the office to share that he had just gotten off the phone with one of our teen girls, herself a new believer, she had the opportunity to lead 3 of her friends to be Jesus followers at 3am in the morning last night (or this morning).

I totally enjoyed being able to serve communion during the message last weekend, although I could not get the juice cup opened during first service Sunday am, God has a way of keeping me humble.

This coming weekend we are going to be talking about taking a “Road Trip”. I have been looking forward to this coming weekend’s message since we started this series.

Also, we will be playing a teaser for our Easter series, “The Voice of Truth” that begins Easter weekend; April 3rd and 4th. This weekend we will have invite cards promoting the Easter Series for you to give out to family, friend, neighbors and co-workers.

I used the fishing picture during last weeks message. The A/V guys put on the bottom of it by the 3rd service that it was a Photo Shop deal. So, I am posting it here for you to take a good look – this is the real deal – and it’s not my biggest one either!