Easter Weekend Update: Fun Jim Vid

What an awesome Easter weekend as nearly 1,500 of us gathered on our different campuses to celebrate Jesus resurrection. Because of Easter we can have life and there were several folks who made decisions (12) to have the life of Jesus from the weekend services. Many of you made commitments in your spiritual journey regarding fears as we talked about the Easter message of “Don’t Be Afraid.”

We began our new series: “The Voice Of Truth”. My prayer is that over the next several weeks, throughout this series that we would all commit to and learn to listen to “The Voice Of Truth”, the voice of Jesus, rather than fear. I love freedom!

A big thank you to all of our volunteer staff! You rock! You all did an incredible job making the Easter weekend a big success for everyone. If you are not on the team here at Alive, we have a place for you and we need you. As we continue to reach more people in our communities and beyond we need to continue to build and develop our team. Email me and I will make sure you get connected as a part of the greatest volunteer team on the planet. jeff@alivechurch.com

Two weekends ago our family spent some time vacationing in Colorado. Pastor Toby wrapped up our last series and did a great job. As always I enjoy working with Toby. If you did not get a chance to hear Toby’s weekend teaching you can watch it online at: www.alivechurch.com in our archived message.

Another one of our pastors I love working with is Pastor Jim. Jim is the Oro Valley campus pastor so I know a lot of you never get to hear his incredible announcements. He has a gift! He keeps us all in stitches. Well, I want to make sure you all get a taste; this is one of Jim’s shining moments while I was away on vacation:

See you all this next weekend as we continue with “The Voice Of Truth” with “The Truth About Worry.”