Have you ever felt like you are so busy that you can’t accomplish your goals? The busyness of everyday life seems to take up every waking moment. How do you ever get time for the things you really want to do in life? There is a secret that all people who are successful at reaching their goals have in common, and it’s something you can do! Do you want to know what it is? I hope so, because I believe with all of my heart that you are a masterpiece and I want to add value to your life by helping you live more like the masterpiece you were created to be.
Making Decisions In Advance
The secret that people who successfully reach their goals have in common is that they make decisions in advance. It’s that simple! By doing this they are able to take advantage of moments that many people simply miss. For instance, saying that you will work on a painting (an artist with some discipline, it’s a good thing) that is on the easel on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:00 p.m. for 2 hours each day. This simple act of planning will allow your brain to prepare to take advantage of the time as it arises and increases your success by several hundred percent.
If -Then Planning
This is called the “if-then” planning. While all of us want to be more productive, unfortunately it doesn’t just happen on its own. However, this strategy raises your productivity: “if it’s 4:00 p.m. on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday then I will be at my easel painting until 6:00 p.m.” When you process specific actions in advance, you will take those specific actions.
Situational Thinking
When you think in terms of “if-then” thinking, your brain will begin to prepare for the situations that you have said would be a part of your day. You will be amazed at how this prepares you for the moment. Your brain looks at the clock and knows that a decision has already been made; you don’t have to spend the energy making another decision. “if it’s 4:00 p.m. on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday then I will be at my easel painting until 6:00 p.m.” At 4:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, my brain knows that at those times, when that situation occurs, I’m going to be at the easel.
Get Started
It’s a simple process that will help you be more productive. Try it out. We all have the same amount of time every day, but this is a secret that is shared among those who are most productive and successful. Now you can join the ranks of the productive and successful. You won’t be adding more hours to your life, although it may feel like you are, and live life as the masterpiece you were created to be!
“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity…” (Ephesians 5:15-16 NLT)