Live Fulfilled From This Moment On

liveEveryone wants to live a life of fulfillment, I do! You do! Ask anyone who crosses your path today and I’m willing to bet that they will tell you they want to live a life of fulfillment versus an unfulfilled life. Desire though is only half of the battle the other half is to understand what it is that fulfills you. Since you were a child there have been many voices, often well meaning voices, telling you the things you need to have or do to live a fulfilled life. But only you know the passions that God has placed within you that will truly fulfill you, those things that are your destiny, your God-given destiny as His masterpiece.

In my book Life Palette I talk about how to truly discover the life you were meant to live by asking 3 simple questions, answer these questions and you will understand what a life of fulfillment is for you:

1. “What do I dream about?”

I’m not talking here of the fantasies my friends and I dreamed while playing on my homemade baseball diamond: bottom of the ninth in the World Series, bases loaded, and we knock it out of the park! The type of dream I’m talking about is far deeper—a passionate longing that’s always been there but you just can’t shake it. It’s the kind of dream that haunts you; you want it so much it keeps you up at night. It’s the dream you’ve whispered prayers about, hoping desperately God would answer with a “yes” or that He would miraculously change your life to sync up with your dream.

2. “What do I cry about?”

Here’s where you consider what it is that God has given you a heart for—the thing that moves you to compassion.

Here are three things to pray for as you ask the question, “What do I cry about”?

  • First, prayerfully ask God to soften your heart. You live in a world that encourages narcissism. To truly have the heart of compassion God wants for you, you must move beyond an “all about me” mentality.
  • Second, ask for God-given opportunities and the courage to meet them. Compassion always demands action—and opportunities that move you with compassion will most likely be inconvenient and will cost you something.
  • Third, ask God to soften the hearts of those for whom He has given you compassion. Never make the mistake of thinking you are obligated to force the compassion God has given you for someone or something onto others. God is the one who moves the hearts of others as you’re faithful to act on the compassion He has placed within you. Give Him the space to do His work. Your job is to be certain about what you cry about so you can place the values on your Life Palette that align with that vision.

3. “What makes me laugh?”

“Wait a minute,” you say. “You seriously expect me to base my values on what makes me laugh?” Don’t underestimate the power of laughter, because this is all about joy, an important fruit—or visible evidence—of God’s Spirit living in you. “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23) Fruit is a natural result, not something forced or willed into existence.

Next Steps:

Answer the questions. Now!!! Then share them with someone who knows and loves you.


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