How To See Your Dreams Actualized

dreamYou have dreams, and you should. Because God created you as His masterpiece and He says that He wants to “accomplish infinitely more than we (you) might ask or think”. (Ephesians 3:20-21)   The “more” that He has for you is masterpiece living! The question that most people ask is “why doesn’t my life look like a masterpiece if that is what God has created me as?” The answer is simple, take a look at the palette you are giving God to work with, your Life Palette. There are some things that may be on your Life Palette that shouldn’t be, they will keep you from seeing your dreams actualized. There are other things that may be missing. Here are 4 key areas you need to consider:

1. Attitude

Would you say that you have a good attitude or a positive attitude? Or would you say that your attitude is pretty much stinking up the world?  Your attitude needs to be one that desires to change, to grow in wisdom, to be a person of character. Invite God to evaluate your attitude and lead you toward the attitude He wants you to have as His masterpiece.

2. Growth

A masterpiece life is created daily, not in a day. Personal daily growth is a necessary part of seeing your dreams actualized. In order to grow daily you need a growth plan, growth does not happen automatically. You must be intentional about growth. Prayerfully consider what your growth plan should be.

3. Application

Growing in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding will be of no value without application. Here is a great question I like to ask myself when I am exposed to new growth: “so what”? In other words I want to know how I am supposed to apply this new knowledge. I want to consider what difference it will make in my life. Am I going to change? While change does not always result in personal growth, personal growth will always result in change!

4. Question

Asking the right questions is an important part of seeing your dreams actualized, to living in the “more” God has for you. There is a quote that most of us have used at one time or another: “curiosity killed the cat.” I have to admit, I’ve never really seen a cat that was killed by curiosity. However, I have seen many dreams die because of a lack of curiosity, a lack of dreaming and wondering what it might be like to go around the next corner or up the next mountain, to conquer a fear and become all that you were created to be. Ask questions. Get curious about others who have gone before you in areas of your dreams. Examine all your assumptions. Challenge your beliefs with the scrutiny of Scripture and let God begin to work in your life in the same way He did when you were a curious child, before you thought you knew it all.

Live in the “more” God has for you. Don’t just settle, don’t quit dreaming. Do your part to see your dreams actualized. Check your attitude, make personal growth a daily necessity, always apply what you learn and let curiosity come alive in your spirit through all the questions you can imagine.

Next Step:

Of the 4 key areas in this blog, that you need to consider on your Life Palette to see your dreams actualize, which one do you struggle with the most? Why?