Get Started With Your Primary Concern

Get Started With Your Primary ConcernYesterday in Life Palette we talked about how important it is to set the foundation for your values on your personal Life Palette, which is making the Kingdom of God your primary concern. Looking at the story of two sisters, Mary and Martha, we saw this lived out. In the story Jesus said to Martha, .

This is the core value for every other value on your Life Palette. Get this one right and your chances of success in everything you do is multiplied beyond your wildest dreams. Paul said, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Ephesians 4:20) I love it! More than you think or imagine? Yes, more! Paul gives us a verbal picture of what our lives look like when we live as the masterpiece we’re created to be.

How Do I Make The Kingdom My Primary Concern?

When we hear Jesus’ words to Martha and read Paul’s words in Ephesians, the question we often ask is “how?”  How do I make the Kingdom of God my primary concern, the foundational core value on my Life Palette? As is often true in many areas of our lives, the problem is that we’re asking the wrong question. The question is not “how,” but “who.” Don’t miss the power of Jesus’ response to Martha as her sister Mary sits at His feet: “There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it.”

Who Is The Foundational Core Value On Your Life Palette?

God’s design for your life as a masterpiece begins with Jesus as the foundational core value on your Life Palette. Paul tells us, “Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand.” (Colossians 3:1) When we make the choice of receiving “new life in Christ,” He will lead us to all of the other core values necessary on our Life Palette, helping us to get them right for our lives now—and ultimately for our future that’s “more than we might ask or think.”

Tomorrow on Life Palette we are going to look at 3 primary changes that need to take place to wholeheartedly make the Kingdom of God our primary concern.

Next Steps:

  1.  Take a few moments and look at Matthew 6:33. What do you need to do to make the Kingdom of God your primary concern?
  2. Are there values on your Life Palette you believe could prove harmful if you continue to value them? What are they and what do you need to do about them right now?
  3. Perhaps you have allowed something or someone to be the primary core value on your Life Palette, take a few moments today and make a conscious choice to put Jesus first.