For most people, today is hump day. That wonderful day when you know you are half way through your work week and after lunch you know you are closer to the coming weekend than the previous weekend. It may be that you already feel like you need a break, or perhaps you have some great weekend plans you can’t wait to get to. However, what you do today, on hump day, has a big impact on how much you will be able to enjoy your coming weekend. And it sets the tone for how productive you will be the last couple of work days of the week.
The Beauty Of Halftime
Think of hump day as a halftime in a football game. During halftime, a coach gathers with the team in the locker room to re-strategize how they will play the second half of the game in order to reach their goal of winning. There are several things they do that you can apply for yourself personally or for your team on hump day.
Have A Clear Score Board
In a football game the scoreboard gives a very clear picture of whether or not the team has had a successful first half. For you, the weekly scoreboard should be just as clear. How are you doing this week on reaching and fulfilling your goals? Mission? Vision? If you are not able to clearly articulate where you are and where you should be, you may need to take a look at how you can break down your larger goals into weekly goals, otherwise you will constantly struggle with making forward progress.
Evaluate Progress
When a team goes into the locker room the scoreboard dictates the conversation. The coach and team begin evaluating how well or bad they played during the first half. What did they do right to get them on top of the scoreboard or what did they do wrong to put them in the loosing position.
Hump day is a day to evaluate and adjust so that you can get a “Win” on your scoreboard for the week. For me and my team, hump day is actually Monday. Every Monday we have a meeting that I would equate to a football team’s halftime. We evaluate how we did over the last few days and look at what we need to fix for the next few days. It’s a very simple but powerful process. We have a few questions that we ask every week:
1. What went right?
2. What went wrong?
3. What was missing?
4. What do we need to change?
This works not only for the leadership of a team, but for you personally as well. Take some time around lunch on hump day each week and evaluate the progress of your week. Are you living by your priorities? Are you making the progress you wanted and needed to make this week? Where do you need to adjust and change to make sure that the week is a win for you?
The Value Of This Process
Taking a few moments on hump day every week to evaluate will not only make you more productive throughout your weeks, it tees us your weekend for success. You will be able to enjoy your time away from the office more, relax more, get renewed in a greater way when you are able to know that you have lived your priorities this week and accomplished all that you needed to accomplish to have a win for the week.
Another incredible benefit is that this process also tees up the coming week for success.
Win or Lose
A football game is often won or lost based on what happens during halftime. The same is true for you in your life personally and with those you work with. Make sure you have a clear score board each week and make sure you take time to look at the score and adjust during your halftime to assure your best shot at a win! This principle comes from the greatest leader who ever lived: Jesus. Check out Luke 10, He sent His disciples out to do the work of the ministry and they reported. Then He adjusted the game plan for them to succeed.
Get ready, get set, it’s hump day!!!
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