Daily Reading: Goodness


Daily Reading: Goodness

I will express goodness by helping others who are in need. Goodness is love in action, and my desire is to demonstrate to others the fruit of God’s goodness. Goodness is a character quality that is produced in my life supernaturally by the Holy Spirit. In the same way Jesus went about doing good, I will go about doing good. Goodness is an expression of Jesus in me. I will express goodness by helping others who are in need.

Goodness is the rare quality of generosity and benevolence, a choice to always go the second mile when someone has asked me to go the first. Through the fruit of God’s goodness my focus is shifted from selfish desires to the needs of those around me, and I am able to act in a selfless manner contrary to my flesh. I will express goodness by helping others who are in need.

God the Father is working in and through me to change people’s lives for the better. I am empowered and energized by the Holy Spirit to express goodness by helping others who are in need. Even when others don’t deserve it, I will reach out to them in goodness with a positive action. God’s goodness through me will be reflected in generosity, kindheartedness and charitable actions.

In the same way Jesus was a blessing to His generation, He is using me to bless my generation. Jesus used His resources to do good things for those with whom He came in contact. I give Him permission to open my eyes to the needs of those around me and to direct my heart to take action. I will follow His example in being concerned for and involved in meeting others’ needs through goodness. For God, our loving Heavenly Father, is just as interested and involved in helping to meet the physical needs of people as He is their spiritual needs. Goodness is an action Jesus did while on this earth, and is still doing through me.

I will express goodness by helping others who are in need. Therefore today “I will do good in all the ways I can, to all the souls I can, in every place I can, at all the times I can, with all the zeal I can, as long as ever I can” (quote adapted from John Wesley).