Most of us have gone through something for a time or season when we needed a great amount of help or support. When in a situation like that, you may feel like you are being pushed to the limit or have a sense of agony. You may be in a situation like that right now. It may be a struggle in a relationship, marriage, parenting, business or finances. It feels like a “pressure cooker” situation, a continual pressure that seems insurmountable. This feeling is exasperated when you don’t have someone you can count on to offer you strength and encouragement, someone you can lean on.
One Who Understands
If you are in that position or ever find yourself in that position in the future, know there is someone who understands. He is the one who makes your life a masterpiece: Jesus. His situation in the Garden of Gethsemane is all that I described in the first paragraph and more:
“He prayed more fervently, and he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood. At last he stood up again and returned to the disciples, only to find them asleep, exhausted from grief.” (Luke 22:44-45 NLT)
A time of agony, yet His friends could not be counted on. Because of all Jesus experienced He is someone who always understands our circumstances and feelings. He is completely empathetic; He is willing and wanting to give you the strength you need to make it through all circumstances. He is a faithful friend and you can always count on Him.
Make This Your Prayer
Most likely as stressful and agonizing as circumstances have become, you probably have never been in such agony that you have sweat drops of blood. And yes, it is a documented medical condition called hematidrosis. A condition occurs in individuals when in an extreme emotional state only in individuals who are in a highly emotional state.
Before things get to that point, why not pray for help to the one who understands. Ask Him for relief from the stress and pressure that you are experiencing. Thank Him for all He has gone through and His ability to understand. Ask Him to give you the strength, power, and wisdom you need to not only get through the situation but to thrive as you go through it.