Daily Reading: Pray


Daily Reading: Pray

I will always pray and never give up. Today I have the privilege of having an audience with God through prayer, I will pray continually and I will pray about everything. There is no request that is too small to pray about. There is no situation that is too difficult to pray about. There is nothing in my life so trivial that I cannot talk to God about it. I will pray about everything and will not worry about anything. Today I will take all the energy I would use to worry and invest it in prayer. I will tell God what I need and thank Him for all He’s done in my life. As I do, His peace will displace all worries and concerns and guard my heart and mind.

In the same way Jesus made prayer a high-priority in His life, I’m choosing to make prayer a high priority in mine. Every day of my life, I will learn how to pray better because I want to learn how to communicate better with God. I don’t pray to get the attention of others but rather to genuinely communicate with God as my Heavenly Father. Even though He already knows all of my needs and concerns, as I communicate with Him through prayer I will get to know Him better and to know His will for my life. I can and will talk to Him about anything and everything through prayer knowing He will give me His guidance. His guidance will help me to navigate the decisions I must make today and encourage me through trials.

My desire is to align my prayers with His will. As I pray and present my needs and requests to Him, I will not demand what I want; rather I will communicate with Him about what He wants. I know His answer, be it yes, no or wait, always includes “my grace is sufficient.” I will pray to understand the incredible greatness of His power in my life. I will pray that I may experience His love. I will pray that God will give me the right words so I can boldly share His love. I will pray for those who have hurt me. I will pray for all people who cross my path today. I will pray with joy and in the power of the Holy Spirit. I will always pray and never give up.

Every military strategist will concede you cannot win a war without troops on the ground, yet when you have air superiority you have a great advantage. Prayer is my air support; and through prayer I have an overwhelming advantage over my enemy. God’s purpose and plans in my life are advanced through prayer. I will pray for God to keep me strong when I am tempted, to forgive all my sins and give me strength and courage to forgive others when they offend me.

Today I have the privilege of having an audience with God through prayer, I will pray continually and about everything. I will always pray and never give up.