We started looking at the 7 Secrets To A Winning Philosophy yesterday in Life Palette. We said that “If you have failed to focus on and develop a winning philosophy for your life then you have unconsciously developed and adapted a philosophy of loosing and failure.” The first two secrets to developing a winning philosophy are: 1. To Make Personal Growth A Priority. 2. Focus On What You Do Best. Click on yesterday’s blog post if you missed it to get caught up. Today let’s dive into the 3rd secret.
Secret #3 To A Winning Philosophy: Learning To Fail Successfully
A failure in your life does not make you a failure. When you fail, it’s important that you do not personalize it. Having a winning philosophy is not simply never failing, it’s developing what to do with failure, how to react to it and what you learn from it. There is a big difference between the person who says “I have failed many times trying to do that”, verses the person who declares “I am a failure.” The difference is found in whether or not they have a winning philosophy or a losing philosophy.
It’s important that you don’t simply gloss over a failure as well. You need to learn from it and grow. The only time failure is truly a failure is when you don’t learn from it. Ask yourself what you can learn from a failure and what you may need to do different to succeed.
Guard against fearing failure. Fear will paralyze you and assure that you are going to fail. Rather than being fearful of failure simply accept that failure is a part of your life’s journey. It is the path to success. Always focus on your successes rather than your failures. After all you are what you think! If the enemy can get you to focus on failure it will be a short leap for you to begin to consider yourself a failure. Stay focused on the successes and the vision you are working toward.
When you fail, do not make excuses. Admit it, learn from it, apply what you have learned and try again. Never surrender to failure. You may be set back on your schedule but you do not have to surrender!
Secret #4 To A Winning Philosophy: Give More Than Is Asked Of You
Those who have a winning philosophy always add value to those around them. The person who says “that’s not my job” will never get the better job. This is a principle that we often miss and it causes us to miss out on our potential as God’s masterpiece. It’s easy to say something to the effect, “when they pay me more, I’ll give more”. A winning philosophy says “I will give more, knowing that eventually I will be paid more.” It is the simple process found in the bible of sowing and reaping. You would never hear a farmer praying, “God, please give me a harvest this year, even though I didn’t plant any seed. I promise if you bless me with a harvest first then I’ll plant seeds for next year’s harvest.” It always starts with sowing, sow by giving more than is asked of you.
Secret #5 To A Winning Philosophy: Live A Life Of Integrity
The value of integrity is that you will be able to build on success verses simply having one win and it’s over. Integrity will cause you to choose what is right and most valuable, according to living as the masterpiece God created you to be. Without it, you will easily begin to find yourself on the slippery slope of choosing that which may seem advantageous at the moment but ultimately is not right, and there is always a price tag that comes with doing so.
Billy Graham said that “integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together.” To take it a step further, integrity is also the glue that holds a winning philosophy together and empowers you to develop a Life Palette that will unleash masterpiece living.
Tomorrow on Life Palette I will be looking at the final two secrets to developing a winning philosophy. Today, prayerfully consider which of these secrets you need to focus on and how you can begin to apply them to your life and toward developing a winning philosophy. Make a commitment in prayer right this moment, asks God to help you, to empower you to think His thoughts, His winning thoughts throughout this day. Should you falter into a slump in your thinking, reread this blog and as you do, ask God to help it to come to life in you.