Daily Reading: Grace

graceDaily Reading: Grace 

Today I live and move to the rhythm of God’s grace. His grace entered my life when I accepted what Jesus did for me on the cross as my Savior. At that moment I received what I don’t deserve; forgiveness, freedom and new life grace. There is nothing I could ever do on my own merit to earn His grace. His grace is totally based on the merit of what Jesus did for me on the cross. He paid the debt of my sin in full.  

His grace does not wink at my sin as though it does not exist. Rather, His grace recognizes the full weight of my sin and does not condemn me, setting me free from sin’s penalty and power. It is not just or fair, nor what I deserve; it’s much better, it’s grace. He lavishes grace on me freely and in abundance. His grace is immeasurable, instant, everything I need; a once and for all completed action. Today I live and move to the rhythm of God’s grace.  

Grace is not simply a benefit from God; grace is His very nature and character. Because of the grace of God through Jesus I am who I am: forgiven, accepted and loved; my relationship with Him is made right. Because of the grace of God through Jesus I am not who I used to be; my old life of sin is gone and I am living in new life. Because of the grace of God through Jesus I am not yet who I am going to be, for He will finish the work of faith He began in my life.  

God’s grace through Jesus is enough; it’s all I need. His grace sustains me in and through all things. While I was given the full measure of every benefit God’s grace extends to me, the moment I chose to follow Jesus I recognize the capacity to enjoy and experience those benefits come from getting to know Him better and obeying Him in all things. Grace encourages me to obey and I obey Him because I love Him. As I continue to live in the truth and love of Jesus I experience grace. I do not have to work to earn His approval, because of grace He already approves of me. There is nothing I could do to pay Him back. There are no rules or regulations; there is simply Jesus, the cross and grace. I live in His favor, I live in His kindness and I am his friend. Today I live and move to the rhythm of God’s grace.