Throwback Thursday: Kadi’s Update

Kadi Throwback Thursday: Kadi

This is not so much a throwback, although it was from a week ago, this is more of an update from my daughter, Kadi, who is traveling the world for God. Kadi is doing a program called Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and is currently on the outreach part of the trip where she will be traveling throughout Asia, with a team, and spreading God’s word. Here is her update:

“Tomorrow myself and my team will be leaving for outreach! Here’s a bit of an update from the last three months of lecture phase:

Right now I’m sitting in the office at the YWAM Oxford, New Zealand base, eating day old rice pudding, doing last minute e-mails, packing, and tying up odds and ends that need to be done before myself and my team head out to Malaysia tomorrow. I’m so excited for what God has in store for the next three months on outreach in Asia. My team (pictured below) is made up of an amazing group of people; all of them I have seen grow in the last three months during lecture phase.

I was filling out an evaluation form for the lecture phase just the other day, and one of the questions on the form was, “What are some of your highlights from this lecture phase?” I always want to sound super spiritual and deep when answering such questions, but the moment I start trying too hard to sound a certain way, I kind of feel God nudge me and say, “Are you kidding me Kadi?” Then we have a good laugh, and I answer honestly. So with that said, I would like to share with you a few highlights from the last 3 months.
1. Being reminded of how small I am. For about a week I was cleaning toilets and serving at a massive youth camp. The camp was just about a 10 minute walk away from the beach. A couple of the mornings I spent with God out on the beach, reading Psalms out over the ocean. There’s something amazing about standing next to an ocean (or a mountain) that reminds a person of how small they are, and how crazy big and mighty God is. It’s comforting. “The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The Lord thunders over the mighty sea.”-Psalm 29:3
2. Snow. We had one night where it snowed here in Oxford! For this desert rat, that’s a big deal, and rarely ever happens. Almost the whole school emerged from their bedrooms, in their PJ’s, at 11 o’clock to play in the snow. One of the girls lives in Hawaii and had never seen snow before in her life. And it was such a joy to hear her say that the snow was God’s gift just for her. We have a dad who wants to give us good gifts, that’s for sure.

3. Calling Bob Goff. Bob Goff is a writer, lawyer, all around amazing guy. He wrote the book “Love Does”, and at the end of the book he puts his phone number in it, encouraging his readers to call him whenever. I have had Bob’s number in my phone for the past 8 months, wanting to call him but never really knowing what to say to him. Turns out one of my small group girls, Casey, had done the exact same thing.
For our last one on one meeting I decided to make this dream of calling Bob Goff come true for both her and me. Bob picked up after only two rings, and Casey and I preceded to talk to him about ywam and how we were about to go to Asia for the next few months. Bob’s just great, and shared in our excitement, prayed for us, and dropped some wisdom on us. One thing he said was, “Make sure to go out and love on people, and remember Jesus brings people to Jesus.” Takes a lot of pressure off knowing that I’m just a vessel, God’s using me, but ultimately Jesus brings people to Jesus.

This lecture phase has truly been awesome with great times of growing closer to God and each other. Thank you everyone who has been praying for me and the school. All teams are leaving this weekend to go into all the world to make Him known. Please be praying for unity on the teams, safety, good health, open minds and hearts, and that we will just be open and listening to the Holy Spirit as we go through out our outreach.”
