Getting Prepared For Lent

I just finished a final per-marital counseling session with a couple who is going to get married. They have spent seven one hour sessions with me in preparation for their marriage. And still they have a lot of preparation for the wedding itself. I’m confident that because of the preparation and study that they have done with me and together that they have a great foundation to guarantee the success of their marriage over the years. Preparation for anything in life is important, and most times the period of preparation is much greater than the moment or event. After all the hours and days of wedding preparation the wedding itself is usually less than a half an hour, but the prep is what made it so successful.

In our spiritual journey today we begin a 40 week time of preparation for Easter, resurrection Sunday,(Sunday’s are not included in the count) known as Lent. Typically during this time of spiritual preparation Christians prepare with a period of fasting, repentance, moderation or spiritual discipline. The purpose of this time of preparation is to set aside time to focus on Jesus, His sufferings and His sacrifice. Ultimately to focus on His life, death, burial and resurrection. At Alive we are doing a You Version Bible reading together during this Lent season to get prepared. I encourage you to join me in this reading plan. Just click this link, Lent Reading Plan, to get started.

Also as a part of preparation for Easter, save Friday March 29th at 7pm for Service of Shadows, Good Friday, at Alive Church.