A Life Of Potential Or Mediocrity – It’s A choice!


Life is designed to be a process of growing and developing. Therefore, it is to be lived as a journey of discovery, adventure, exploration, and never-ending growth. The end result of a life lived in such a way is success. This is truly the path toward living in and releasing your full potential. Anything less is to live in mediocrity.

The Enemy Of Mediocrity

While potential is such an exciting and powerful word, mediocrity is a painful and ugly word. Mediocrity is to live life below your God-given potential.  It is living to please others, to live in and accept the status quo. The process of living in such a way as to release your full potential is to develop and express all of your innate abilities, talents, and gifts through God’s vision and purpose for your life. This is what masterpiece living is all about.

Mediocrity has become such an accepted norm. While it is common to compare, comparison is a sure way to live in mediocrity. Comparison leads you to find someone who is not doing as well as yourself to make you feel like you are realizing your potential. You can therefore only compare your current state of success with your God-given potential within. “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.” (Galatians 6:4 NLT)

Focus on the “Do”

Remember, you are created as God’s masterpiece. Your success in living your potential cannot be measured by another or by society as a whole, rather by the one who places potential within you as a gift to live the journey of life. In fact, we are commanded in scripture to avoid measuring our success in life by the standards of culture: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”  (Roman 12:2)

While there is clearly a “don’t” in that verse, the proactive part that we have in living in our potential is to “let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” So the question really is, “what are you doing to let God change the way you think?” This is the key to releasing your full potential and living above mediocrity. This is the key to living life as a journey of discovery, adventure, exploration, and never-ending growth.

So now you must choose. What are you doing to allow God to change the way you think so that He can transform you to live your full God-given potential? Growth does not come about without intentionality. Let me suggest to you today that you develop a daily habit of thinking, reading, prayer, and study to be transformed. To set aside time to let God work in and through you. Take the first step toward this today, right now!

A Tool For Transformation

I have designed a tool to help you develop this daily habit of being transformed. Get started today by going to Alivechurch.com/LifeTransformationBible.

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