To begin living life as the masterpiece God designed your life to be, you must begin by evaluating your core values. Then you must make changes to get them aligned with Gods. Since God is the creator and designer of the masterpiece of your life, it makes sense to look to Him for your values. He will lead you to all of the core values necessary on our Life Palette, helping you to get them right for your future, your potential, and all that He created you to be.
Here are 3 value changes for living life as a masterpiece:
1. Exchange Your Priorities For Jesus’ Priorities.
Paul tells you to “think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.” (Colossians 3:2) In another scripture, Paul says to “fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:8) He is clarifying what life in Jesus looks like. Each of you will have different priorities in your life according to your personality, gifts, family, and daily responsibilities; yet there are several priorities of Jesus that should be guarded and cultivated to allow God to continue to create your life as a masterpiece.
2. Get God’s Perspective
Getting God’s perspective about your life will always take you to the reality that you are a masterpiece. When you give yourself to His purpose and plan you give yourself to the potential He has created within you. You will get a new perspective about all of life.
3. Change Your Attitude
There are many specifics that are necessary in your attitude to live as a masterpiece that I discuss in my book Life Palette. To live as a masterpiece your overall attitude must become like Jesus’ attitude. Paul said at the beginning of Colossians 3:4: “And when Christ, who is your life…” Notice he didn’t say when Christ gets a special compartment of your life. This line screams the primary core value of your Life Palette; “And when Christ, who is your life…” The primary attitude of your life changes dramatically – “for you died to this life and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.”
Consider these 3 values shifts for your life. This is your part of living life as the masterpiece God created you to be.
How does it make you feel to know you are a masterpiece?