Successful Planning Requires: Time And Direction

time Successful planning is dependent on two factors: time and direction.  We will never progress toward a goal unless we are keenly aware of both. Success is more than just reaching a goal; it is a matter of reaching the right goals – direction.

Great Time, Wrong Direction

Let me illustrate with a real life experience. A family member of some friends who attend our church had passed away. The memorial was going to be in a nearby town. The drive should have taken less than an hour. I had a packed schedule, so I was very concerned that I make great time while driving and staying productive by returning several phone calls that I needed to return. The highway was clear and the driving was smooth. I was making great time! In the middle of one of my phone conversations, I realized I had gone many miles past my exit onto another highway that led away from the town where the memorial was going to be. In addition, to make matters worse there were no exits for many miles. I had made great time, but I was going in the wrong direction. All progress was lost, in fact, I finally had to call one of the family members and tell them that I was not going to make it to the memorial service. I had gone nearly an hour out of the way.

Far too often, we are conscious of time, we are watching the clock, while ignoring the fact that we are headed the wrong direction. We must measure the value of what we are doing. We must examine whether or not what we are investing our time in its fulfilling or not. We must make sure we are making a difference in the world around us.

Stay On Course

Time is ticking. Therefore, it is important that we keep time in mind as we plan, otherwise we will miss the opportunities that we are given. To make the most of time, we must make sure we are on course with our long-term focus and direction. This is a matter of mission, vision, and values. The more we stay on course with these the more we will live a life of significance. The more we will add value to those around us.

Successful Planning

This week as you are planning your days, keep in mind both time and direction, you will see more success and fulfill greater potential.


Which one do you struggle with the most: time or direction?