How To Reach Crazy, Beyond Your Ability, Big Goals

GoalsAfter speaking this past weekend and sharing our crazy, beyond our ability, big goals for our organization in 2014, the question now is: “How”? . How do we move forward against the fear and complacency that threatens growth and change? How do we see our goals as a true probable destination by this time next year?

My big goal last year was writing the book Life Palette. I can’t tell you how many times that goal seemed overwhelming. Now that it is in print and looking back, there are several key elements that helped me to achieve that crazy, beyond my ability, big goal last year and I know they will help you with yours this year. Whether your goals this year are to lose weight, kick an addiction, get a better job or take that dream vacation, here are 6 things that will help you see your goal come to fruition this year:

1. The More Clarity The Better

There is no way that you can make a goal to clear. Clarity equals probability when it comes to goals.  Do you see your goal becoming a reality? What does it look like? Feel like? Write down as much detail as you can possible imagine. Losing weight is too vague, write down how many pounds. What do your new clothes look like that you will be buying after losing the weight?

2. Ask Yourself “Why”?

You have to know the “why” to get through the moments of discouragement.  This is the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) part of your goal. Ask yourself what is at stake if you don’t reach your goal this year. One of my goals last year was finishing and publishing my book Life Palette. There were many moments as I faced a deadline and didn’t have enough time to reach it that the “why” kept me going.

•Setting a goal and achieving it.
•My personal growth in putting my life message in print.
•Self discipline – that affects every area of my life.
•Obedience – I felt compelled as a follower of Jesus.

3. Develop A Simple Strategy

A goal without a strategy is simply a pipe dream. What action step do you need to take today? Begin with the end in mind and work backwards to see the milestones you need to reach each day – week – month to end up at the place you want to be at the end of 2014When I first sat with my editor for Life Palette I thought I needed to give him the entire book in a few short weeks – it was overwhelming. He helped me to develop a strategy that included beginning with an outline, writing one chapter then the next and it all started with the end date in mind. When a date was missed, he continually helped me to readjust.

4.  Make A Public Announcement Of Your Goals

This one is scary, because once others know your goals they will make you walk in accountability whether you want them to or not. Once I started telling my staff, friends and family that I was going to write and publish Life Palette they were constantly asking me how it was going – telling me they couldn’t wait to read it. Speaking your goals publicly is big – really big!

5. Surround Yourself With Like Minded People

Support groups are important in every area of our lives. The encouragement and support you receive from like minded people who want to grow and achieve is invaluable. While undertaking writing Life Palette, I sought out those who had written books successfully and shared my goals with them. Since they had lived or were living in the desire and struggle they would also encourage me. You need to surround yourself with like minded people.

6. Pray, Pray, Pray For Your Goals

God is working in and through you “to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Eph 3:20 NLT) So make your goals a matter of prayer. Keep them in front of you and make them a part of your prayer list everyday this year. Ask God to give you strength, wisdom, and power to reach the goals that you feel He has led you to achieve in 2014.