Jeff’s Blog: The Secret To Getting Results

There are many things in life that just don’t do any good until we put them into practice. Since I just finished my Phillie Cheese Steak sandwich and a large order of French Fries I was thinking that having the knowledge of good health does me no good unless I decide to put it into practice. I know that eating healthy and exercise are keys to good health – but my sandwich and fries tasted so good!

The same is true with our faith. This coming weekend at Alive Church we are going to talk about making our faith active, engaging, putting it into practice as we talk about Courageous Faith. There is one key word that makes it all happen: APPLICATION. From the book of James we see the incredible way God uses our faith to Preserve the good things in our lives from our families, marriages, reputations, finances, self-esteem and the list goes on because the APPLICATION of our faith has the power to transform your life as every single level.

Actually this is something we work at every week here at Alive Church. Through creating Relevant Environments for people to be followers of Jesus we are always asking the questions of Life Application. There is so much more to our faith than just telling others the right stuff, knowing the right stuff, or singing about the right stuff.

If you are like me, I discovered a long time ago life is to short to go through the motions and not see results. This simple principle from the Bible, APPLICATION, will open the door in your life for results oriented living. Want to geared up and ready for the weekend? Read James 2:14-26.