We want to partner with those of you who come to Alive Church for the sake of those who do not come here because we know that the most important thing that can happen is that you build an authentic relationship of trust with them. In that relationship we know that you are going to have opportunities and times when you can pour into your friends lives for the sake of eternity. It’s all about building relationships for the sake of something bigger and that is introducing our friends, loved one, neighbors and co-workers to the God who created them, who loves them and who has a purpose for each of their days.
So, this week at Alive Church we are partnering together in a unique way to invite our friends to attend a weekend service. As we begin our Summer Series called At The Movies 2011, this weekend only, every first time guest that you bring to services will receive a free movie ticket, and to make help you continue to build those relationships if you bring a first time guest you will get a free movie ticket as well.
I realize that for many of you this is really getting you out of your comfort zone. So I am praying for you especially this week. On Thursday I will be fasting lunch and praying for each of us as we invite someone to At The Movies 2011. I encourage you to pray and fast with me for the Alive Church family as we invest in lives for the sake of eternity this week.
Beginning this weekend each of the teachings in this series will center around a Hollywood blockbuster. We will be looking at and discovering the Biblical truths hidden in them while using several clips from the movie of the week. (Sorry, I can’t tell you the movies because of copyright issues. But let me just say that this week will be a fast and furious teaching.)
Invite a friend, get a free movie ticket, enjoy some pop-corn, at the same time offering the greatest single gift that you could give anyone, anywhere – does it get any better than this? See you and your friends this weekend for the first week of At the Movies 2011 – I hope you like westerns!