Your Gift To God Is What You Do With His Gift To You



God is able to see something in you and in others that is often overlooked by all of us: potential. Potential is a God-given gift that He has given you. What you do with your potential is your gift to Him! The reality is that very few people on the face of this earth ever truly maximize the fullness of their potential. And yet, every person is a creation of God and holds endless potential within. This potential is so much more than what other people see in you. This potential is from God and God alone. And it’s important that you see and understand what this means because your potential is based on your willingness to align your life with His purpose and plan for your life. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)

While all of us have a God-given potential, developing, growing and releasing that God-given potential is up to each of us individually. We alone are responsible for using our potential to love and impact the world around us. The good news is that God is willing and wanting to give you the wisdom you need to navigate this journey: “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.” (James 1:5, NLT)

How To Begin

  1. To begin releasing the God-given potential that is within, begin with the clarity of where your potential comes from. Ask yourself if you truly believe that God is the creator and giver of your potential. Prayerfully ask Him to help you see and understand this with all your heart and mind.
  2. Second, look at how well you are living in and releasing that potential in your daily life right now. This is a great time to have a conversation with someone who knows and loves you. Ask them their thoughts on whether you are living out your God-given potential.
  3. Third, identify a few simple practical steps you can take this week and this month to begin the journey of living in such a way as to release your potential. When I do a LifePlan with someone we always end by using a tool called Life Initiatives Profile. A simple tool to help them define clear objectives and practical next steps with a targeted timeline of each of the core initiatives that came about as a result of their LifePlan. And we look at the current status. Without simple, concrete next steps in any area of life, our strategies and goals are usually just lofty ideas that never pave the way for potential.

Take some time today and consider the potential that God has placed within you. Consider how He would have you use this potential to make an impact on the world around you. God has given you the gift of potential, choose to give God the incredible gift of releasing your potential. You will be glad you did, it is the place of fulfillment that He has for you!