Fresh Off The Easel, 24×30″ Oil On Canvas

Original sunset oi painting, Jeff Love art

Just finished up this 24×30″ oil on canvas.

This sunset is one of our recent Monsoon sunsets here in AZ. One of the things that’s amazing about the monsoon season is how all of the washes (for those of you not from the S.W. dessert, washes are basically dry river beds) fill with water. When the sunset reflects in the water flowing through the desert it is a magical, majestic moment – and this was one of those moments!

As an artist when I paint a sunset I focus on layering my edges. I typically soften the entire piece and then go back and layer the edges by putting my hashes edges at the end. Although that is how I paint most pieces, I especially layer my edges on a sunset to get the focal point and dramatic effect that I am looking for to draw the viewer of into the moment.

My passion in painting is to reflect God’s invisible qualities, His divine nature and eternal power. An Arizona sunset is an overwhelming reflection of all He is as the master artist!