The Value And Importance Of Having A Mentor

Mentor A Mentor is someone who comes along side of you to help you find your passion and live it. They are someone who will help you get to where you are going. They can give you perspective when you lose it and help you find your way. I have been blessed throughout the years to have had some great mentors in my life, and now I am focusing on passing on the blessing to the next generation through mentorship.

If you have ever read a blog from Life Palette you know that the premise of this blog from my book is “God made a masterpiece…and it’s you!” My passion is to help you to live in the full potential you have within as the masterpiece God created you to be. All of us, regardless of the stage and age of life, need to have a mentor in our life that will help us go to the next level. And yes, I still have a mentor in my life.

Here are some of the benefits that I’ve experience in my life from having a mentor and that I’m passing onto others as a mentor:

  • Where You Are

To reach your full potential as a masterpiece you must know where you are right now. You cannot move forward toward living your passion and potential without a reference point for where you are currently. A mentor will help you to discover where you are on the map of your life journey and help you to get going in the right direction.

  • Where You Want To Go

You can only head in the right direction when you have clearly identified your destination.  Unfortunately, I have discovered that most people have no idea where they want to end up.  You see, everyone ends up somewhere, but very few people end up somewhere on purpose. A mentor will help you to take this journey of life with a clear destination and end up somewhere on purpose.

  • How To Get There

A mentor will help you be strategic. It’s one thing to know where you want to go, but if you have no clue how to get there you are in trouble. All of us need people in our lives who can see the big picture, keep us on track with a clear focus, and continually be forward thinking.  Knowing how to get to your destination requires change. A mentor will help you to remain proactive in this area. They will help you to discover the right strategy and next steps.

To live as the masterpiece God created you to be, to live your full potential you must know where you are right now, have a clear path to where you want to go and have a clear strategy for getting there. A mentor will help you in this. One of the most amazing things for me as a mentor is that I grow in all of these areas personally, as I help others. I am blessed as I bless, not a surprise though, this is one of God’s principles that runs the universe: sowing and reaping.


Which area of your life do you need mentored in right now? What steps will you take today to find the right mentor? Look around you, is there someone that you can mentor? Someone that you are a few steps further down the road than, and you can help them take the next step or two?