Writers Wednesday: Ender’s Dedication


Writers Wednesday: Ender’s Dedication

My grandson, Ender, was in town last week with my daughter Karli and her husband Theron. It is amazing how fast kids grow up because he is so big now. When I published my book, Life Palette, he had just been born and I dedicated the book to him. Here is what it says:

“This book is dedicated to my grandson Ender. Your life as God’s masterpiece began just as I finished the last chapters of this book. Seeing your life begin reminded me of how God has created us all as His masterpiece. Karli (my daughter) and Theron (my son-in-law), you had a major part in creating Ender (you did good). I know you will be great parents in helping Ender live life as His masterpiece!”

I was able to read this to him, while he visited. It was such a special moment. I have enjoyed getting to know him a lot more. It was so much fun spending time with him, my daughter, and her husband.
