Everything that has ever been created has the same potential, attributes and composition of the source from which it was created.
Recognize Your Source
Look at the source of your life: “Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like ourselves.” (Gen 1:26 NLT) The source of your life is God, therefore to see and understand your potential you must look to Him, His potential, His attributes and His composition. To understand your life and purpose you must look to the one who created your life and purpose. You came from God and you are created in His image to be like Him. The source of your life is the key to understanding your life.
Realize Your Status
God created more in you than you see in yourself. He created more in you than others see in you as well. He created and sees a masterpiece in you. You may have been told while you were growing up that you were worthless, a nobody or stupid. Perhaps you have spent your life trying to prove those statements wrong. Today is your day to be set free from them. You do not have to try to be a masterpiece, because YOU ARE A MASTERPEICE! “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Eph 2:10 NLT)
Remember Your Purpose
Man’s inventions would be completely misunderstood if you only looked at the inventions themselves without looking at the intention of the inventor, or creator. For instance: I live in the desert South West where swimming pools are a part of everyday life, an incredible blessing for cooling down during our 100 degree temperatures. Unfortunately, every once in a while the news reports a story of a child who has drown. The stories are always heart breaking, and even though it happens occasionally, that is not the purpose of a swimming pool.
You must remember your purpose to enjoy and live the life God created you to live as His masterpiece. Especially during the times when things happen that are not in line with God’s original intent, weather from a bad decision or circumstances beyond your control. You are created in His image to be like Him. Not to be Him, but to be like Him. To reflect His attributes, characteristics, through the potential He has placed within you.
When God looks at you He sees the potential that He created in you. How about you, what do you see?