26 Words That Will Transform Your Thinking


Transform your thinking and you will transform your life.

To know and live your potential you need only look to the master artist who created you. God is the master painter. Don’t believe it? Spend a few moments and watch the sunset or the sunrise and you will see the splendor of the one who has painted your life as His masterpiece. In the Arizona desert where I now live, the sunsets are spectacular and awe-inspiring. Every time I can’t help but respond with, “Yeah, God!” as the colors are painted across the desert sky. Every one is a reminder of the quality of His work as an artist. All of nature is painted with His glory!

So are you! Take this verse—memorize it, it’s only 26 words,  live it, make it personal. “For we  are God’s masterpiece. He has created us  anew in Christ Jesus, so we  can do the good things he planned for us  long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10) As the creator and artist of your life, God wants to display you for the entire world to see His incredible handiwork. When others look at your life, His desire is they see the masterpiece He created, framed by His grace and love.

Next Step: Personalize Eph.2:10 as you memorize it – “For I am God’s masterpiece. He has created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things he planned for me long ago.”

Copy and paste it or write it down so you can carry it with you today and commit it to memory. As you do your thoughts will begin to be transformed and you will be renewed.