I have never been too impressed with titles, but I do acknowledge that I have acquired a number of them throughout my life. Most have come easily to me without any effort on my part but a few other titles I have worked very hard for. I could not tell you the specific date that I became know as “Pastor” , “Dr.” ,“Artist “ , or “Author“ , but I do indeed know the exact dates when I gained the really important titles that I go by; “Child of God”, “Husband” and “Dad”, or should I say “Daddy”. I now can add a new title to my list. There is no question about it – This title goes onto my Really Important List of Titles and I must say my newly acquired title is suiting me just fine… “Grandpa”. May 30, 2013, Ender Jason entered the world and I proudly received my new title. You can probably agree with my point of view that I did not do much to receive this new title. My daughter really did all the hard work those long, nine months. None the less, on that day I rejoiced, heaven rejoiced, and I proudly received this wonderful new title and I must say… I am truly impressed.
Jeff Love’s Really Important list of Titles:
Since 1973, Jeff Love has been known as a “Child of God”
Since 1984, Jeff Love been known as “Husband”
Since 1986, Jeff Love has been known as “Dad”
Since 2013, Jeff Love has been known as “Grandpa”