Like Eagles, You Were Created To Soar

As long as I can remember, I’ve always been fascinated with eagles. They are powerful, majestic and inspiring. In my early twenties I had an especially close encounter with one while making the drive from Colorado Springs to the four corners area of Colorado. I had the sunroof off the top of the car, enjoying […]

Renewal: Eagle Inspiring Story Of Renewal

This past week on Life Palette I have been looking at eagles as an inspiration. Why? Because you are created to soar. You see, God has created you as His masterpiece. If you missed any of the blog posts this week, take a few moments and look back through them and let them inspire you […]

Soaring In Character: When You Feel Pushed By God

This week, on the Life Palette blog, I’ve been writing about how you are created to “soar” based on Isaiah 40:31: “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles…” (NLT) While it’s not imperative that you have read all of the blogs from this […]