Key To Success

From the day we take our first breath, we have basic human needs for survival; food and water. We have spiritual, emotional and psychological needs. Our mothers’ comfort or our fathers’ advice, maybe even a hug from a sibling, or a listening ear from a grandparent. While each of these needs are different and all […]

His Resurrection Changes Our Priorities

The Case For Christ - Part 1

To believe in Jesus means to accept His life, death, and resurrection as fact. It means taking His words and actions seriously. It means recognizing that His triumph over death has the power to transform your life…starting today. Last Easter weekend, we celebrated Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Now that it’s been almost a week […]

Primary Concern, Primary Changes

When Jesus said to Martha, “There is really only one thing worth being concerned about” in Luke 10:41-42, He gave us a secret that’s simple, powerful and profound: to have “one thing”, one primary concern. This is the core value for every other value on your Life Palette so that you can live life as […]