Embrace the Truth, Embrace Hope

The Case For Christ - Part 3

In the Case for Christ series at Alive Church, we’ve been focusing on discovering the truth about Jesus. We’ve talked about the historical evidence of His life, death and resurrection, all leading to His undeniable love for us. Now that we’ve gathered the facts, it’s time to embrace the truth. This past weekend, Chris Spradlin, owner […]

Believe + Receive = Become

The Case For Christ - Part 2

In the film The Case for Christ, journalist Lee Strobel conducts a full investigation of God. Based on a true story, Strobel was also an atheist at the time of his investigation, so he went into his research fully expecting, and determined, to show the world that God doesn’t exist. Like any good reporter, he […]

What’s Your “Unless”?

The Case For Christ - Part 2

In our Case for Christ series at Alive Church, I’ve been talking about the fundamental truths of Christianity: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Historical documentation and scholarly research all deliver solid evidence that Jesus is who He says He is. But sometimes even the evidence is not enough for us to truly believe. […]