Successful People Take Action

Successful Being a self-starter is a key for being successful! Today I want to challenge you to become action oriented, not mistake driven! The Bible says, “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by ACTION, is dead.” (James 2:17 NIV) How do you become a person of action and ultimately successful as the masterpiece God created you to be?  Will Rogers once said “Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you’re standing still”. So take some time to get motivated for being successful and taking action.

Motivation For Being Successful

Everyone is motivated by something different.

1. Pain.

We rarely change without pain.  Think about going to the dentist.  Most of us don’t go until we have a toothache. “Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.”   (Prov. 20:30  GN)

2. Pressure.

Some people can’t lose weight until their Doctor says, “lose weight or you are going to die.” Pressure is a great motivator while it last! The problem is, what happens when the pressure subside?

3. Perspective.

When you get a different perspective about what God has for you, masterpiece living, you will change.

The best form of motivation, the one that will cause the greatest and most lasting change in your life is perspective. It’s imperative that you begin to get a perspective of your life as God’s masterpiece. Then make it a part of your Life Palette so you can live it, unfortunately most people allow the grind of daily life to dictate their perspective: “After determining our values we need to solidify them for our daily success. For some, this will be a discipline; for others, it’ll be a great joy, done with ease. To dream daily means to focus on and expand the dream God has given you as His masterpiece. The sad reality is that by the time most people reach their mid-thirties, they’ve had such a tremendous dose of reality they’ve given up on the dreams that once burned in their hearts” (from my book Life Palette)

Once you get the proper perspective of your life as the masterpiece God created you to be it’s time to take action. Here are six steps that will help you to take action and continue taking action to live the successful life that God has created you for.

1.     Take Responsibility.

 Don’t be an accuser by blaming others or an excuser by making an excuse for everything in your life that is wrong. Be a chooser; take responsibility for your life and actions. George Washington Carver said, “99% of all failures come from people who have made a habit of making excuses.” As a chooser you accept responsibility for your own Life Palette and ultimately for being successful.

“A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful.  But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.”   (Prov. 28:13 L.B.)

2.     Know You Can Change.

“…be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2 NLT) What would you like to change about your life today? It all begins with the renewing of your thought life; your ability to control your thoughts will determine how you live your life successfully. Here are a couple of important facts about your future to get you started on knowing you can change:

  • It will not be like the past.
  • It will not be like we think.
  • The rate of change will be faster than ever.

Without changing the way you think you cannot change the way you live. Start by believing you can change.

3.      Get Clarity.

Did you know that less than 5% of people write out their goals? Yet those who do write their goals down are the most successful and are people of action. One reason people don’t get clarity on their goals is they simply can’t make up their minds. In other words they are double-minded and therefore usually very miserable. Get clarity through prayer and asking God what He wants in your life, then begin to pray the prayer “Lord change me.”  The only way we change others is by changing ourselves.

4.      Don’t Wait For Perfect Circumstances.

The problem with waiting for perfect circumstances is perfectionism typically leads to procrastination and procrastination will always paralyze your potential. “Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.” (Eccl 11:4 NLT)

5.     Exercise.

Why is exercise important for being a person who is successful and taking action? Because the reality is that most people are simply to fatigued to change. We are created to be bodies in motion; we need to be on the move. (OK, I confess this one is for me! I need to get in a good routine in this area of my life.) The principle is straight from the bible, sowing and reaping. To reap energy you have to sow energy. This will make a big difference in being a person who takes action and lives successful.

6.      Do It Now.

I admire people who make a plan and are willing to “pull the trigger”. Make this a habit, the “Do It Now” lifestyle. Don’t presume that you can just put it off until tomorrow. “Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring.”  (Proverbs 27:1 NLT)

Take action now! Get alone with God and evaluate yourself on these six steps for taking action and living successfully as the masterpiece God created you to be. How are you doing? Which one do you need to focus on? (For me it’s exercise) What are you going to do about it and when? My prayer for you is that you will take action today and begin to be all that God created you to be!