God has given us potential, He has done His part. Now, we are responsible for all the potential that He has stored within us. Here is the good news: there is no retirement plan for our God given potential. What you see is not what you get – there is always more!
We are told by scientist that when it comes to our potential we only use about 10% of our abilities. Imagine that, 90% of what we are capable of goes untapped. The truth is most of us have no idea of all the potential God has placed within us. I love the story of Abraham Lincoln. His is a perfect example of a man persevering to unlock the potential God placed with in:
He lost his job in 1832.
He was elected to the legislature in 1834.
He suffered the death of his sweetheart in 1834.
He suffered a nervous breakdown in 1836.
He was defeated for speaker of the State Legislature in 1838.
He was defeated for nomination for Congress in 1843.
He was elected to Congress in 1846.
He was rejected for the position of land officer in 1849.
He was defeated for the Senate in 1854.
He was defeated for the nomination for vice-president of the United States in 1858.
He again was defeated for the Senate in 1858.
He was elected president of the United States in 1860.
In Matthew 25:14-30 we see the story of the servants who were given talents by the master. This is an incredible story of our God given potential. Take a few moments today and read this passage. Notice the difference between the 3 servants. Put yourself in their shoes, which one would you say you are more like? Spend some time in prayer asking God to help you reach the potential that He has placed within you as you offer yourself to Him as a living sacrifice. (Rom. 12:1-2)