Unlocking the Mystery Of Purpose: How to Find Meaning And Create The Life You Want

Many people are living their lives without purpose. They don’t know why they are here or what God has planned for them.  And yet each of us is created as God’s masterpiece. To live as the masterpiece He created you to be you need to discover your life’s purpose. This is how you live the […]

Healthy Relationships Start with HUMILITY?!?!

It takes two to tango! Much ado about nothing! Battle lines are drawn! Go around in Circles! Fighting likes Cats and Dogs! Blamestorming! I’m sure you can guess what these idioms are communicating!?!?! Relationships are HARD! HUMILITY is HARD!! Now I’m telling you that humility PROCEEDS healthy relationships!!?? But HOW and WHY! Humility is lived […]

The PATH to living Your FULL POTENTIAL!

Circumstances can definitely create tensions in our lives. When I get THAT job, then I’ll be satisfied! If only my wife would….then we could be happy! If my kids would just listen, life would be SO much easier! Looking at our circumstances can, at times, be overwhelming and we tend to equate what we are […]