“With Golden Glow” is a 30×30″ original oil painting on canvas fresh off the easel. While it may seem a little cliche to talk about how every situation has a silver lining, this amazing Arizona sunset from our back yard perfectly represented that saying. After capturing several several reference photos I had to translate it into an oil painting. After putting the finishing touches on it this past weekend it reminded me of a few paragraphs in my book Life Palette:
Life Palette Quote From Chapter 5
“As an artist, one of the things I hate is when someone sees a painting I’m working on and comments about it. I totally understand why they do it; things just don’t look right to them. Even though they’re not artists, they inherently know enough about composition—because they have seen God’s masterful compositions in nature—to feel they know enough to express their opinion. What they don’t know, however, is what I have in mind for the finished painting, and what’s necessary to go through first to get to the end result. Another artist will see the same piece and give comments from an understanding of this process. They will say things like, “Tell me where you are going with this piece.” Others won’t have that bigger perspective.
If God is the artist and I am the masterpiece, I need to trust He is using all things toward the end result of His desire, for “we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28) Yet you may be thinking, “Well, if God is the artist who is automatically working everything to fulfill His purpose, then what part do I have regarding the composition of my life?” There are several things that are of your choosing on your Life Palette that you give God to work with: character, priorities, choices, focus, and simplicity. These things are to your life what composition is to painting. The more clearly you align these areas with God’s Word, the more He is able to compose your life according to His plan and design.”
All Things Have A Golden Glow
Painting this sunset reminds me to always look for the silver lining, or in this case the “Golden Glow” in every situation. Knowing and believing that God can and will work all things for my good. Be encouraged today, regardless of what you may be facing, look for the “Golden Glow” that will come of it.
What is something in your life that at the time seemed to be the worst thing that could have happened to you but now you are able to look back and see the good?